About Me

Hello! My name is Sarah and I teach pre-kindergarten in Georgia. I never imagined myself teaching pre-k, but here I am loving every minute of it. 

After I graduated high school, I went off to college. I skipped the college part and fell head over heels for this guy named Chad. We got married and had four wonderful children before I remembered that whole college thing. When I was 28 I finally got around to starting. I graduated with a BS in early childhood and special education from Middle Georgia State University. Then I transferred to Georgia Southwestern State University where I earned my MS and Ed. S. in early childhood education. 

I began my teaching career in a 1st grade classroom. I spent two years teaching 1st grade before finding a spot in a tiny district close to my home. The only position they had available was in a pre-k classroom. I was incredibly hesitant to apply because I was certain that I would despise pre-k. Now I am entering my third year as a pre-kindergarten teacher and I've never been more sure of where I'm supposed to be.  

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