Thursday, July 16, 2020

If you're anything like me, you walked into your pre-kindergarten classroom and immediately felt overwhelmed. Our classrooms do not look anything like K-5 classrooms! There are no desks and there is stuff everywhere. I was fortunate enough to have a 9-year veteran teacher's assistant to walk me through everything I needed to know, but I realize that everyone is not so lucky. I am going to go through everything, step by step, to hopefully help other Georgia Pre-K teachers ease into the start of their school year.

First Things First:

Get the big stuff set up first. Focus on things like your teacher/teacher assistant areas (desks, tables, filing cabinets, etc.), personal cubbies/storage for the students, kidney/horseshoe tables, and center furniture. You need to see how the space looks and feels once all of the larger furniture is in its place. Make sure you set your chairs up too. The chairs make a big difference in the available space. You want to be able to walk around and between tables when there is a child sitting in a chair.

You're going to need to set up space for several learning centers and classroom activities. Centers will include dramatic play/kitchen, blocks, art, math, science, listening/reading, and writing. If you teach pre-kindergarten outside of the state of Georgia or if your pre-k is not under Bright From the Start, you may have different requirements for which centers you have to have in your classroom. The concept should be the same, as far as creating enough space for your students to utilize each center comfortably. 

Every floor plan is going to look different due to whatever fixed features you've got inside of your classroom. Some classrooms may require you to use a space for multiple activities. I use my block area for most of my large group lessons. You're going to figure out what works for your classroom as you and your students use the space. You may decide to rearrange several times during your first year. What worked last year might not work this year, depending on your students. That's okay! 

Take it one day at a time, one thing at a time. You're going to be ready for your students before you know it!

Here is a look at what I got done on my first day of set up.

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